@echo off set dumvar= rem Options: unfortunately, the stupid MSDOS command interpreter does not rem allow us to recognize if the first argument start with a '-', so we rem can only have a small number of specific option strings here. set option= :options if "%1"=="-g" goto option if "%1"=="-e" goto option if "%1"=="-ge" goto option if "%1"=="-eg" goto option if "%1"=="-s" goto option if "%1"=="+c" goto option if "%1"=="+x" goto option goto optok :option set option=%option% %1 shift goto :options :optok echo options: %option% if exist %1.ps set genps=rem if "%2"=="" goto empty if exist %2\nul goto dir %genps% D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1disasm %1.pfb %1.ps D:\fonts\progs\t1tidy\t1tidy %option% %1.ps %2.ps D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1asm %2.ps %2.pfa D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1binary %2.pfa %2.pfb %genps% del %1.ps del %2.ps del %2.pfa goto end :dir %genps% D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1disasm %1.pfb %1.ps D:\fonts\progs\t1tidy\t1tidy %option% %1.ps %2 D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1asm %2\%1.ps %2\%1.pfa D:\fonts\progs\t1utils\t1binary %2\%1.pfa %2\%1.pfb %genps% del %1.ps del %2\%1.ps del %2\%1.pfa goto end :empty echo No destination font file name given :end