#include "mf2ps1.h" {contain the declarations} #include "mf2ps2.h" {contain external for send_p_s} procedure unskew; begin case octant of 1: begin curx := x + y; cury := y end; 5: begin curx := y; cury := x + y end; 6: begin curx := -y; cury := x + y end; 2: begin curx := (-x) - y; cury := y end; 4: begin curx := (-x) - y; cury := -y end; 8: begin curx := -y; cury := (-x) - y end; 7: begin curx := y; cury := (-x) - y end; 3: begin curx := x + y; cury := -y end end end; { unskew } {:388} {473:} procedure sendcurve; { unskews the values and sends a curve to be proccessed by send_p_s procedure. } var tmpx,tmpy:scaled; x0s,y0s,x1s,y1s,x2s,y2s,x3s,y3s:integer; begin tmpx := curx; tmpy := cury; unskew(x0,y0,octant); x0s := curx; y0s := cury; unskew(x1,y1,octant); x1s := curx; y1s := cury; unskew(x2,y2,octant); x2s := curx; y2s := cury; unskew(x3,y3,octant); x3s := curx; y3s := cury; curx := tmpx; cury := tmpy; send_p_s(x0s,y0s,x1s,y1s,x2s,y2s,x3s,y3s); end; procedure sendline; { unskews the values and sends a line to be proccessed by send_p_s procedure. } var tmpx,tmpy:scaled; x0s,y0s,x1s,y1s:integer; begin tmpx := curx; tmpy := cury; unskew(x0,y0,octant); x0s := curx; y0s := cury; unskew(x1,y1,octant); x1s := curx; y1s := cury; if (LineSource = 510) or (LineSource = 515) or (LineSource = 521) then send_p_s(x0s,y0s,x1s,y1s,0,0,0,0); end;