%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This is the file newrmtmi.mtx, part of the MathInst package %% (version 1.0, August, 1998) for math font %% generation. (Author: Alan Hoenig, ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \relax We need to rename some MathTime glyphs safely. \metrics \setcommand\renameas#1#2{% \ifisglyph{#1}\then \resetglyph{#2} \glyph{#1}{1000} \endresetglyph \fi } \renameas{arrowlefttophalf}{harpoonleftup} \renameas{arrowleftbothalf}{harpoonleftdown} \renameas{arrowrighttophalf}{harpoonrightup} \renameas{arrowrightbothalf}{harpoonrightdown} \renameas{arrowhookleft}{hookrightchar} \renameas{arrowhookright}{hookleftchar} \renameas{kappa1}{varkappa} %% We want to unset the dotless glyphs, and recover/construct %% the dotlessi and dotlessj glyphs appropriate for the current font. \unsetglyph{dotlessi} % part of 8r encoding; this glyph normally present in % T1 fonts \unsetglyph{dotlessj} % comment this line out if the MathTime dotlessj % is OK for your needs. \endmetrics