This file was created with JabRef 2.2. Encoding: ISO8859_1 @ARTICLE{becker64, author = {Gordon Becker and Morris DeGroot and Jacob Marschak}, title = {Measuring Utility by a Single-Response Sequential Method}, journal = {Behavioral Science}, year = {1964}, volume = {9}, pages = {226-232}, owner = {Arne}, timestamp = {2007.07.12} } @BOOK{schoemaker80, title = {Experiments in Decisions Under Risk: The Expected Utility Hypothesis}, publisher = {Kluwer-Nijhoff Publishing}, year = {1980}, author = {Paul Schoemaker}, address = {Boston}, owner = {Arne}, timestamp = {2007.07.12} } @INCOLLECTION{smith86, author = {V. Kerry Smith}, title = {A Conceptual Overview of the Foundations of Benefit-Cost Analysis}, booktitle = {Benefits Assessment: The State of the Art}, publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Co}, year = {1986}, editor = {Judith Bentkover and Vincent Covello and Jeryl Mumpower}, address = {Dordrecht}, owner = {Arne}, timestamp = {2007.07.12} } @comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:} @comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:}